Tag: Rental Properties

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Expand your business with MyRent Channel & Property Manager

Expand your business


We introduce our top 5 tips & tricks on how to increase your bookings and generate more profit! It's too late to stop reading now, you're too curious. You will finish what you were doing later.

Channel Manager

myrent channel manager

We know it's hard to manage all those different platforms at the same time and that's one of the bigger problems for most travel agencies. That's why you NEED to use channel manager.

It doesn't matter whether you are cooking, driving to work or shopping, the channel manager will synchronize all those OTA's like Booking.com, Airbnb etc. without you even knowing!

Simple Price Change

This makes us proud (unlike our nephew Ronald). The pain of updating your object prices on all those platforms… we know. Why not grab a fresh coffee or hang out with your friends and family?

We created simple pricing and now you're able to change prices for all your objects with only 1 click! Forget about opening 10 different tabs once you start using this option! Waybe you'll have time to grab that coffee?

Email timers and how they work?

Your next notification will be sent in:

Type or beer? We choose beer! With our technology we brought e-mail timers to a completely different level! You will never have to send an e-mail again! All you need to do is set a "trigger" which will then command our software to send an e-mail.

Choose when, how and to whom the mail is going and shwosh, you already answered to all the inquiries your guests are sending!

Website, why do I need one?

The main goal you want to achieve with your website is…. you guessed it right! Making more money! Ultimately, you want all guests from Booking, Airbnb and other OTA's to book accommodation directly through your website. And why is that? Because you will avoid their commission fee and save at least 13% more. That's why we also specialized in website design for renters, agencies, hotels and camps. We create the most beautiful websites with online payment option for your guests.

It's so simple, they visit your website, choose their accommodation and dates (check in / check out), click on the "Book Now" button and once they make a payment, the money is automatically transferred to your bank account. Does it get better than this? Yes, without requiring some custom design from us, websites we make for private property owners are cheap! And how cheap? Well, you will need to contact us so we could make an offer for you. Don't worry, it only takes a few minutes!

OTA's - we can't live with them, but we can't live without them

myrent channel manager booking
myrent channel manager expedia
myrent channel manager croatia

There are some OTA's worth mentioning here (we promise, they didn't pay us to promote them in this email… unfortunately). When it comes to commission fees, we'd say "same thing - different packaging". Percentages they take are nearly the same, only the question remains, who will pay more? Guest, agency, or our nephew Ronald we mentioned before… someone is always deeper down the rabbit hole, but we simply have to list our properties on their platforms to increase the number of bookings.

Booking.com, Airbnb, Homeaway and Expedia are OTA's which generated the most bookings according to our statistics. So, although you could list your properties somewhere else, there is really no need to do it, we bet those 4 will occupy a calendar for the whole year. And our software is here to manage all those calendars, guests and bookings for you.

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General news

MyRent Takes Part @ 4th Regional Family Lodging Forum

On Saturday, May 11th, at Hall III of the Faculty for Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, the 4th Regional Family Lodging Forum of the Primorsko-Goranska County will take place, starting at 10:00 am.

MyRent will, of course, be present in full luster! As part of the event, MyRent CEO Neven Palčec will hold a short presentation on the importance of booking portals today, focusing especially on private renters such as many of our clients. As you all know, an unavoidable part of the presentation will consist of the quality and innovation of the services offered by MyRent, something that you’ve been well acquainted with already. Other topics of great importance to this branch of tourism will not be overlooked, either, and you can find below the full program to the event.


For those who are unfamiliar with the organization, the National Family Lodging Forum is the only Croatian organization of rental service providers at the national level. They deal with current topics in this branch of the tourist business, as well as organize educational and networking seminars. The Forum gathers renters providing rooms, apartments, suites, lodges, and camps, both in city and village households.

The greatest focus of the Forum is still on keeping all of the micro- and small-scale entrepreneurs completely up-to-date with all the current trends in family lodging, such as You!

The 1st Forum gathering was held in 2014, in Opatija, after which the next two equally successful ones were held in 2015 and 2016, in Poreč and Zadar, respectively. They were all organized by the Family Tourism Community of the Croatian Chamber of Economy, founded in 2010. The Community eventually formed its own localized Sections, through which it successfully coordinates and educates renters all over Croatia.

See you Saturday!

Saturday came and went, and MyRent shone in Opatija in front of all the Forum's participants. Below you'll find we've given you a looksie into what Neven's presentation looked like. And if that's not enough for you and you want to know what the whole show was like, check out the gallery right here!

If you were one of those kids who always wanted to earn the extra credit in school, good for you. Download Neven's presentation from the Forum, in .pdf format. Through it, you might get a closer feel for what the event was like, and what current topics and dialogue points are in respect to this branch of economy.

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