Oznaka: channel manger

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Besplatan channel manager do prve rezervacije



S obzirom na trenutnu situaciju oko COVID-a 19 i neizvjesnost koju virus nosi u turistički sektor, sigurno se svi pitamo isto: Što će biti od sezone?


Nažalost, odgovor na ovo pitanje nemamo ni mi, a ni ljudi puno stručniji od nas. Jedino što znamo da će se naši dragi turisti vratiti u Hrvatsku prije ili kasnije, a naši gradovi i plaže opet će se otvoriti radoznalim ljudima iz svih krajeva svijeta.



MyRent Channel Manager & PMS, kao proizvod je potpuno nastao u Hrvatskoj. Mi u MyRentu najbolje razumijemo potrebe svih ljudi koji se bave iznajmljivanjem smještaja (jer smo i sami iznajmljivači) i upravo zato Vam baš sada nudimo naš proizvod potpuno besplatno. Sve do onog trenutka dok ne dobijete prvu rezervaciju jer smatramo da će to biti znak povratka turista u Lijepu našu.

Provjerite zašto je MyRent Channel Manager #1 prvi odabir vlasnika apartmana



Bez obzira koristite li već neki Channel Manager ili ne, nemate što izgubiti ako isprobate MyRent, a sigurno smo da ćete puno dobiti.

Uz službene API veze prema svim bitnim stranim agencijama (AirBNB, Booking.com, Expeda, HomeAway), nudimo Vam i puno drugih stvari koji će vam olakšati posao i život kad se stvari vrate u normalu.


Javite nam se i prezentirat ćemo vam MyRent i sve njegove prednosti i omogućit ćemo vam besplatan trening te ćemo povezati sve vaše objekte sa postojećim oglasima i to sve potpuno besplatno do prve rezervacije.




U ostalom, MyRent Vam garantira najbolju cijenu i uvijete na tržištu i zašto onda plaćati više?

Isplati se probati, zar ne ? ?

Zajedno u krizi, zajedno prema novim vremenima!

Idemo pričati! Kako Vam možemo pomoć?

Javite nam se


    Bez obzira koji proizvod ili uslugo kod nas odabrali, mi Vam garantiramo najbolju cijenu

    Mislite da ste kod drugog dobavljača našli bolju ponudu? I tu smo se pobrinuli za vas. Koja god da bila ponuda, obećajmo da ćemo vam isti takav paket kod nas naplatiti za istu cijenu, a ostvarit ćete i dalje sve beneficije koje ostvaruju i drugi MyRentovi klijenti. Dakako, ova ponuda ne uključuje pakete koji koštaju 0.00/$0.00/0.00%/0.00kn,  (kava, rakija).

    Za sve ostale ponude, kao što su channel manager, izrada web stranice, property management, program za turističku agenciju, program za hotele garantiramo najbolju cijenu i uvijete.

    Mi u MyRentu smatramo da imamo najkompletniji  i najbolji sustav koji smo u potpunosti sami izgradili i ne ovisimo o nikome  i mogućnosti smo Vam ponuditi najbolje uvijete na tržištu.

    Zašto plaćati Više? Zašto se zadovoljiti lošijim? Nema potrebe. Dostavi nam ponudu drugog dobavljača na uvid i mi Vam dajemo iste takve uvijete.

    MyRent – Pametna i profesionalna rješenja u turizmu




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    Generalne novosti

    Expand your business with MyRent Channel & Property Manager

    Expand your business


    We introduce our top 5 tips & tricks on how to increase your bookings and generate more profit! It’s too late to stop reading now, you’re too curious. You will finish what you were doing later.

    Channel Manager

    myrent channel manager

    We know it’s hard to manage all those different platforms at the same time and that’s one of the bigger problems for most tourist agencies. That’s why you NEED to use channel manager.

    It doesn’t matter whether you are cooking, driving to work or shopping, channel manager will synchronize all those OTA’s like Booking.com, Airbnb etc. without you even knowing!

    Simple Price Change

    This makes us proud (unlike our nephew Ronald). The pain of updating your object prices on all those platforms…we know. Why not grab a fresh coffee or hang out with your friends and family?

    We created simple pricing and now you’re able to change prices for all your objects with only 1 click! Forget about opening 10 different tabs once you start using this option! Waybe you’ll have time to grab that coffee?

    E-mail timers and how they work?

    Your next notification will be sent in:

    Type or beer? We choose beer! With our technology we brought e-mail timers to a completely different level! You will never have to send an e-mail again! All you need to do is set a „trigger“ which will then command our software to send an e-mail.

    Choose when, how and to whom the mail is going and shwosh, you already answered to all the inquiries your guests are sending!

    Website, why do I need one?

    Main goal you want to achieve with your website is…. you guessed it right! Making more money! Ultimately, you want all guests from Booking, Airbnb and other OTA’s to book accommodation directly through your website. And why is that? Because you will avoid their commission fee and save at least 13% more. That’s why we also specialized in website design for renters, agencies, hotels and camps. We create the most beautiful websites with online payment option for your guests.

    It’s so simple, they visit your website, choose their accommodation and dates (check in/check out), click on „Book Now“ button and once they make a payment, the money is automatically transferred to your bank account. Does it get better than this? Yes, without requiring some custom design from us, websites we make for private property owners are cheap! And how cheap? Well, you will need to contact us so we could make an offer for you. Don’t worry, it only takes a few minutes!

    OTA's – we cannot live with them, but we cannot live without them

    myrent channel manager booking
    myrent channel manager expedia
    myrent channel manager kroati

    There are some OTA’s worth mentioning here (we promise, they didn’t pay us to promote them in this e-mail… unfortunately). When it comes to commission fees, we’d say „same thing – different packaging“. Percentages they take are nearly the same, only the question remains, who will pay more? Guest, agency, or our nephew Ronald we mentioned before… someone is always deeper down the rabbit hole, but we simply have to list our properties on their platforms to increase the number of bookings.

    Booking.com, Airbnb, Homeaway and Expedia are OTA’s which generated the most bookings according to our statistics. So, although you could list your properties somewhere else, there is really no need to do it, we bet those 4 will occupy calendar for the whole year. And our software is here to manage all those calendars, guests and bookings for you.

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    Generalne novosti

    MyRent Recognition in Media

    Dear all, thanks to your trust, several important business media in Croatia have recognized MyRent’s success as a company. Chief among them, and quite likely the most important one, is “Poslovni Dnevnik,” who have reported the sudden increase in our business, which includes, among other things, more than three thousand new new rental units managed through MyRent. The number may sound unbelievable, but what’s even less believable is the fact that we have concluded last year’s business with a complete total of four thousand units, which means that since the start of the year, MyRent’s family has nearly doubled its numbers in comparison to its total numbers since the company’s inception!


    Cimerfraj.hr have also written about MyRent as part of their research into the quality and availability of Croatian Channel Management services, wherein MyRent showed significant advantage in comparison to the competition in the domestic market. This conclusion is quite obvious once the above-mentioned company growth is factored in. Another way of looking at it is that this significant advantage may be the very reason for the above-mentioned company growth.

    Whatever the reason, were it not for all of You, dear and loyal members of our MyRent family, we wouldn’t be anywhere. That is why the MyRent team would like to take this chance and send you a big thank you for your continued trust!

    Let’s show everyone that we can do even better, and kick this summer season out of the ball park!


    You can find the aforementioned articles at the following links, but the articles are in Croatian:



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